Why Multilocation Marketing Matters for Local Businesses

Expanding your business to multiple locations is an exciting leap, but it can also bring new challenges, especially in marketing. How do you ensure your marketing strategy adapts effectively for each new location? Multilocation marketing can transform your approach and elevate your brand in diverse markets — but you’ll need an experienced digital marketing agency like Triple7Marketing to help guide the way along a terrain often packed with competitors all vying for the same customers. 

And when those customers go on the search for whatever their hearts desire, it’s mission critical to show up: Recent data shows a staggering 99% of consumers turned to the internet to find local businesses in 2021. In this digital age, a robust online presence is crucial for local businesses. But when expanding to new locations, a one-size-fits-all approach won’t cut it. Each new market has its unique characteristics, and your marketing needs to reflect this diversity.

Understanding Multilocation Marketing

A study by Forrester Consulting reveals that over 61% of multilocation businesses see improving their local marketing as a top priority — yet 77% find executing localized, scalable programs a significant challenge. An effective multilocation strategy addresses each location’s specific needs while maintaining a cohesive brand experience.

When you run a multilocation business, consider:

  • Do all locations offer the same products or services?
  • Are the locations in different counties or states?
  • Are there location-specific offerings?

Your marketing should reflect these distinctions, tailoring the message to each market while upholding brand consistency.

Toys ‘R’ Us: When Multilocation Marketing Goes Wrong

One example of a major brand that expanded too rapidly and faced significant closures due to a flawed marketing strategy is Toys “R” Us.

Known as a haven for Barbies, Legos, and Transformers galore, Toys “R” Us was once a dominant force in the toy retail industry, thanks to its large-format stores and extensive inventory. However, in the early 2000s, the company pursued aggressive expansion, opening numerous large stores across various markets without thoroughly assessing the changing landscape of retail and consumer preferences.

Toys “R” Us failed to adapt its marketing strategies to the rise of online retail giants like Amazon, which offered convenience and competitive pricing. The company continued to rely heavily on traditional advertising methods and promotions without fully embracing e-commerce and digital marketing channels.

As a result, Toys “R” Us struggled with declining sales and increasing debt. In 2017, the company filed for bankruptcy, citing these issues along with fierce competition and changing consumer habits. Sadly, Toys “R” Us announced the closure of hundreds of stores worldwide, unable to sustain its expansive network of brick-and-mortar locations amidst declining revenue and mounting financial pressures. After being purchased by WHP Global, it remains to be seen if the brand will see greener pastures in 2024. 

Adapting to Each New Market

Expanding to a new location, even within the same state, can feel like starting from scratch. Using broad, generic keywords may seem tempting, but it’s more effective to focus on location-specific terms. For instance, targeting “bakeries in San Francisco” will yield better results than just “world-class bakeries.”

This approach applies across all marketing efforts. A tailor-made approach is key.

Crafting Location-Specific Web Pages

Our commitment to delivering exceptional marketing experiences continues with location-specific web pages. These pages are vibrant, packed with location-specific news, updates, and content carefully optimized for local keywords. We aim to resonate deeply with the community and enhance our visibility.

User experience is paramount. We make sure customers can effortlessly find their nearest location through maps and intuitive navigation, ensuring a seamless journey.

Social Media Best Practices

Triple7Marketing understands that social media is where brands connect with their audience. We have a knack for social media best practices.

For those using a single profile for all locations, we ensure that each post clearly indicates the relevant location. No one should be left guessing.

For multiple social media accounts, we establish a seamless connection with each respective location. We maintain a consistent brand style across all platforms, reinforcing our identity.

To truly maximize engagement, we design and implement location-specific campaigns, demonstrating our dedication to delivering personalized value to different audiences.

Leveraging Technology in Multilocation Marketing

With advancements in digital marketing tools, managing campaigns across multiple locations is more feasible than ever. Triple7Marketing utilizes analytics to understand local market trends and customer preferences. Automation tools can help in tailoring content for different locations while maintaining a unified brand voice.

The Future of Multilocation Marketing

As businesses continue to expand and diversify, multilocation marketing will become increasingly significant. Staying ahead in this realm means continuously adapting to local market trends while keeping a pulse on global brand perception.

Successfully managing a multilocation marketing strategy requires a balance between localization and brand consistency. By understanding the unique needs of each market and leveraging the right tools and strategies, your business can thrive in various locales. As experts in the field, we at Triple7Marketing are dedicated to helping businesses navigate and excel in this complex but rewarding marketing landscape.

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